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Who We Are

The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (the Partnership) is California’s recognized domestic violence coalition, representing over 2,000 advocates, organizations and allied groups throughout the state. Through our public policy, communications and capacity-building efforts, we align prevention and intervention strategies to advance social change. We believe that by sharing expertise, advocates and policy-makers can end domestic violence. For nearly 40 years, we have inspired, informed and connected all those concerned with this issue, because together we’re stronger. 

Setting Strong Policy

Passing strong, comprehensive legislation and promoting policies that address the range of issues impacting survivors and their families

Communicating Priorities

Making the most of opportunities in social and traditional media and engaging a variety of messengers to promote solutions to critical issues in our movement

Building Capacity

Allowing every person working toward a violence-free California to become much more effective and efficient in addressing all facets of domestic violence

Making Prevention Accessible

Strengthening prevention implementation and evaluation across California | #PreventionAcrossCA

Resource Tool The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence; National Latin@ Network - Casa de Esperanza; Department of Justice; Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Based Violence

Emergency Preparedness Toolkit
A Guide for Domestic Violence Organizations

Emergency Preparedness ToolkitDownload the Webinar

Emergencies are inevitable; but by developing safety plans and procedures in advance, your organization can effectively identify and address impending hazards, as well as prepare effective measures to aid recovery after the event. The Partnership’s Emergency Preparedness Toolkit includes a compilation of trusted emergency preparedness resources and guidance materials.

Publication California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceCalifornia Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Voter Engagement Guide 2016

The Partnership and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault, is pleased to present a Voter Engagement Guide for the 2016 election. The guide provides voter engagement activities, candidate information, social media tips, important dates and more to help your organization engage with your community to get involved.

Resource Tool Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Based ViolenceDeborah Son, MSW: STAND! For Families Free of ViolenceMinouche Kandel, San Francisco Department on the Status of Women & Alexandra Lutnick, RTI InternationalDerald Wing Sue, Christina M. Capodilupo, Gina C. Torino, Jennifer M. Bucceri, Aisha M. B. Holder, Kevin L. Nadal, and Marta Esquilin Teachers College, Columbia UniversityAdaptation from Sue, Derald Wing, Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation, Wiley & Sons, 2010.Celina Alveraz, Empower Yolo, WOCN Aspiring Ally and Jackie Burris, Catalyst Domestic Violence Services, WOCN Aspiring AllySarah Khan and Vivian LeeHolly Grace Palmer, Haven Women’s Center of Stanislaus County and Adaora Ezike, MHS California Adolescent Health Collaborative at PHIDeep Kaur Jodhka, Sikh Family Center and Nancy Wan, Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based ViolenceKristine King, Project Coordinator, Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse and Rhonda Martinson, Consultant on behalf of Praxis International

Our Statewide Domestic Violence Conference: Keeping the Momentum Going

Resource Tool The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence; National Latin@ Network - Casa de Esperanza; Department of Justice; Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Based Violence

Language Access Resources
Making Services Accessible to Limited English Proficiency, Deaf & Hard of Hearing DV Survivors

Survivors with limited language proficiency (LEP) are more likely to seek services if those services are provided in their language, and any organization receiving federal financial assistance—either directly or indirectly—is required to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the American with Disabilities Act.


California Has its Own Specialized License Plate Dedicated to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention!
Pre-Order Yours Today and Spread the Word

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the California Says NO MORE license plate campaign alongside Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez, the California Office of Emergency Services and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

Member Stories

Member story

Member Stories
"Membership has provided me with the opportunity to have a voice regarding state law and policy that affects my community and the victims we serve..." - Adam Dodge, Laura's House

“Membership has provided me with the opportunity to have a voice regarding state law and policy that affects my community and the victims we serve. Through legislative advocacy, I have discovered powerful new ways to assist my clients and collaborate with colleagues across the state.” – Adam Dodge, Legal Director, Laura’s House