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Resources and Materials
Learning and capacity building resources for advocates, preventionists, and activists

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Whether you’re a seasoned advocate, a student, or a community member interested in learning more about domestic violence, our user-friendly resource library is a great tool for you. We have compiled an extensive database of publications, images, websites, webinars and more — all dedicated to understanding the dynamics of abuse, prevention strategies and community solutions. 

See our search options below. Results of your search will appear at bottom of screen.

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And if you would also like to search for additional materials compiled by our national partners, click on the boxes below (which will direct you to their searchable sites).

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceApril 30, 2020

Adapting Your Communications Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A New Prevention Peer Webinar Series – Part 2 of 3
Prevention Peer Network

Pitching Your Story to Journalists

Webinar hosted on April 30, 2020

+Webinar Recording

For our health and well-being, everyone is looking to credible sources of information from media outlets right now. Your prevention efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic ARE newsworthy and important—and media advocacy can help you reach parents, elected leaders, and other strategic audiences! It all depends on creating compelling story elements and pitches.

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceApril 2, 2020

Leading with Prevention During Physical Distancing
Prevention Peer Network


Webinar hosted on April 2, 2020


Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceApril 16, 2020

Adapting Your Communications Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A New Prevention Peer Webinar Series 1 of 3
Prevention Peer Network

Adapting Your Communications Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A New Prevention Peer Webinar Series 1 of 3

Webinar hosted on April 16, 2020

+Webinar Recording

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceMarch 26, 2020

Leading with Prevention During Social Distancing
Prevention Peer Network

Webinar hosted on March 26, 2020



Please join us where together, we will be addressing ways to Lead with Prevention During Social Distancing! We all know that Preventionists are like chameleons, adapting to the challenges they face. So join us as we tap into our collective creativity and support one another. Share and hear from others about ways in which to integrate prevention into intervention programs and adapt prevention programs to meet the needs of the communities we serve during these challenging times.

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceJanuary 16, 2020

Building Bridges during Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month
Prevention Peer Network

Webinar hosted on January 16, 2020


Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceAugust 15, 2019

A GPS for Prevention: Creating & Using Logic Models for Program Planning and Evaluation
Prevention Peer Network

Logo for A GPS for Prevention Webinar


Logic models are a useful way to visually portray the roadmap of your prevention efforts. In the process of creating a logic model you clarify where you are going, what you need to get there, and what you expect to accomplish along the way. Additionally a logic model can help you focus your implementation and evaluation planning and help you make mid-course adjustments.

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceAugust 15, 2019

Exchange Ideas & Learn about the Partnership’s Upcoming TDVAPM Campaign
Prevention Peer Network

TDVAM Webinar Announcement - two youth in hallway by lockers.



CDC: Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Leveraging the Best Available Evidence

This report published by the CDC announces their new priority of reducing ACEs across the United States; it is significant to our work as it identifies strategies and approaches to reduce ACEs. The report points out that multi-sector collaborative, that include domestic violence agencies, social service agencies, law enforcement, public health, education and early childhood working together to develop strategies to lessen the impact of ACEs into adulthood, as well as prevent ACEs in early childhood is a proven and evidence-based approach to be successful.  

Resource Tool Center for Disease ControlJuly 2019

Continuing the Dialogue: Learning from the Past and Looking to the Future of Intimate Partner Violenceand Sexual ViolencePrevention
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

Moving Further Upstream

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Violence Prevention (DVP) focuses on primary prevention, which is preventing violence before it occurs. In the early 2000s, CDC reviewed theoretical frameworks for sexual violence prevention and sought input from external partners in the field, resulting in CDC’s publication, Sexual Violence Prevention: Beginning the Dialogue (2004).

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceAugust 15, 2019

Building Your Evaluation Toolbox to Tell the Story of Your Prevention Program
Prevention Peer Network


You have a fantastic prevention program and want to share its impact with others, including potential funders and community members. Or you think you have a pretty good program and want to make it even better or expand your work to new groups. But where do you start?