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Resources and Materials
Learning and capacity building resources for advocates, preventionists, and activists

➜  If you are experiencing domestic violence and need support, please visit our searchable map of domestic violence organizations.

Whether you’re a seasoned advocate, a student, or a community member interested in learning more about domestic violence, our user-friendly resource library is a great tool for you. We have compiled an extensive database of publications, images, websites, webinars and more — all dedicated to understanding the dynamics of abuse, prevention strategies and community solutions. 

See our search options below. Results of your search will appear at bottom of screen.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Check back often as we’re frequently tagging and uploading additional materials. Or contact our Help Desk:

And if you would also like to search for additional materials compiled by our national partners, click on the boxes below (which will direct you to their searchable sites).


NameStrategic Communications for Adolescent Dating Abuse Prevention Training Infographic

A snapshot view and key findings from the Partnership’s six Strategic Communications for Adolescent Dating Abuse Prevention Trainings held throughout California in 2016-2017


California Domestic Violence Counts Summary

For the eleventh consecutive year, on September 14, 2016, NNEDV conducted a one-day unduplicated count of adults and children seeking domestic violence services in the United States. This annual census documents the number of individuals who sought services in a single 24-hour period, as well as the types of services requested, the number of service requests that went unmet due to a lack of resources, and the issues and barriers that domestic violence programs face as they strive to provide services to victims of domestic violence


Say What? How to be a teen-friendly facilitator in a culturally humble way

Join us for a webinar on how to be an engaging teen-friendly facilitator in a way that meets teens where they are while also being trauma-informed. Using developmental and learning theories, this webinar will discuss classroom setup, how to engage quieter students, behavior modification materials, learning models, and teaching methodology. 


HARRT Youth Led Adolescent Relationship Abuse Prevention Model

Haven of Stanislaus County piloted a school-based, youth-led model of adolescent relationship abuse (ARA) prevention at a Modesto high school in the 2014-15 school year. The program was replicated in 2016-17 at a second school and is evolving into a Coalition for the 2017-18 school year. The Healthy And Responsible Relationships Troop Coalition (HARRT Coalition) prepares high school students to serve as advocates and peer educators both on campus and off.


Title of Report, Website Portal, Image NameSteps to Create Positive Media Coverage, Part 2
Strategic Communications Webinar

Building upon our April session, Berkeley Media Studies Group will provide tools and tips for how to successfully write Letters to the Editor and Op-Eds for potential publication in traditional media sources.


Title of Report, Website Portal, Image NameSteps to Create Positive Media Coverage, Part 1
Strategic Communications Webinar

From a small local paper to a major publication or news broadcast, media can significantly influence how community members and decision makers think about issues. While engaging with the media can often seem intimidating for advocates, it doesn’t need to be! This webinar will provide tools and tips for how to easily pitch story ideas to journalists and how to write a press release that will generate positive press attention.


Effectively Engaging School Boards

Strategic Communications Cohort

During this session we provided an overview of the concepts learned during our in person strategic communications training. We also discussed steps that can be used to effectively engage school boards and school administrators in adolescent dating abuse prevention efforts.

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Campaign Debut
Prevention Peer Network

Our July PPN webinar is an introduction to the Partnership’s statewide Domestic Violence Awareness Month campaign! In October, the Golden State Turns Purple unites all Californians, from seasoned advocates to interested community members. Our calendar will provide you with daily activities and resources–including interactive Facebook chats, shareable images and videos. Our campaign is meant to initiate thoughtful conversations and mobilize action–from media and policy advocacy to letter writing to incarcerated survivors.

Website National Latin@ Network

Immigrant Resource Library: National Latin@ Network

“The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) includes important protections for immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. It is well known that abusers often use a victim’s lack of immigration status as a tactic of abuse – threatening to report them to ICE and have them deported. Similarly, it is extremely common for abusers to tell immigrant survivors that if they reach out for help from the police or the courts, then they will be arrested and separated from their families.

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True Colors United

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