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Resources and Materials
Learning and capacity building resources for advocates, preventionists, and activists

➜  If you are experiencing domestic violence and need support, please visit our searchable map of domestic violence organizations.

Whether you’re a seasoned advocate, a student, or a community member interested in learning more about domestic violence, our user-friendly resource library is a great tool for you. We have compiled an extensive database of publications, images, websites, webinars and more — all dedicated to understanding the dynamics of abuse, prevention strategies and community solutions. 

See our search options below. Results of your search will appear at bottom of screen.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Check back often as we’re frequently tagging and uploading additional materials. Or contact our Help Desk:

And if you would also like to search for additional materials compiled by our national partners, click on the boxes below (which will direct you to their searchable sites).

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceApril 27, 2020

Getting Creative during COVID-19 – Part 1: The Importance of Self-care and Community-care

Webinar hosted on April 27, 2020


Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceMay 18, 2020

Getting Creative during COVID-19 – Part 2: Self-regulation and Resiliency

Webinar hosted on May 18, 2020


As we enter into the second month of sheltering in place, the hyper arousal of our stress response is dealing with dwindling adrenalin and fatigue. A deeper dive into Poly-Vagal theory will guide our own understanding of the neurobiology of stress and stress responses.


Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceApril 30, 2020

Adapting Your Communications Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A New Prevention Peer Webinar Series – Part 2 of 3
Prevention Peer Network

Pitching Your Story to Journalists

Webinar hosted on April 30, 2020

+Webinar Recording

For our health and well-being, everyone is looking to credible sources of information from media outlets right now. Your prevention efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic ARE newsworthy and important—and media advocacy can help you reach parents, elected leaders, and other strategic audiences! It all depends on creating compelling story elements and pitches.

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceApril 2, 2020

Leading with Prevention During Physical Distancing
Prevention Peer Network


Webinar hosted on April 2, 2020


Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceApril 16, 2020

Adapting Your Communications Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A New Prevention Peer Webinar Series 1 of 3
Prevention Peer Network

Adapting Your Communications Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A New Prevention Peer Webinar Series 1 of 3

Webinar hosted on April 16, 2020

+Webinar Recording

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceMarch 26, 2020

Leading with Prevention During Social Distancing
Prevention Peer Network

Webinar hosted on March 26, 2020



Please join us where together, we will be addressing ways to Lead with Prevention During Social Distancing! We all know that Preventionists are like chameleons, adapting to the challenges they face. So join us as we tap into our collective creativity and support one another. Share and hear from others about ways in which to integrate prevention into intervention programs and adapt prevention programs to meet the needs of the communities we serve during these challenging times.

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceJanuary 16, 2020

Building Bridges during Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month
Prevention Peer Network

Webinar hosted on January 16, 2020


Prevention story

Empowering Communities Through Prevention

White text overlays a magenta and gold gradient background, reading: "Prevention is more than just handing out flyers and doing a series of 1 hour presentations. It’s finding new, innovative ways to engage our community. It’s having conversations about the issues we’re seeing, then empowering them to ‘be the change’." Rubi Gutierrez's photo is to the left of this quote, with YWCA Silicon Valley listed below.

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True Colors United

Pods Below
