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Resources and Materials
Learning and capacity building resources for advocates, preventionists, and activists

➜  If you are experiencing domestic violence and need support, please visit our searchable map of domestic violence organizations.

Whether you’re a seasoned advocate, a student, or a community member interested in learning more about domestic violence, our user-friendly resource library is a great tool for you. We have compiled an extensive database of publications, images, websites, webinars and more — all dedicated to understanding the dynamics of abuse, prevention strategies and community solutions. 

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And if you would also like to search for additional materials compiled by our national partners, click on the boxes below (which will direct you to their searchable sites).

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceAugust 15, 2019

Building Your Evaluation Toolbox to Tell the Story of Your Prevention Program
Prevention Peer Network


You have a fantastic prevention program and want to share its impact with others, including potential funders and community members. Or you think you have a pretty good program and want to make it even better or expand your work to new groups. But where do you start?

Webinar California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceJuly 18, 2019

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Sharing Session
Prevention Peer Network

Like many of our members, we’ve been planning Domestic Violence Awareness Month all summer! During our next Prevention Peer Webinar, we invite you to share your plans for community engagement in October and discuss past strategies that have proven to be effective. The Partnership will also present the elements of our statewide campaign: Growing the Seeds of Healing & Justice. We hope to provide a platform for survivors across California to share the future they want to see by centering their input in eight different areas:

Video Family Violence Appellate Project2018

Confidentiality, Privilege, and Mandated Reporting: A Training for California Domestic Violence Advocates (2018)

Confidentiality, Privilege, and Mandated Reporting: A Training for California Domestic Violence Advocates (2018)

This 90-minute training is designed to help advocates and service providers who receive state or federal domestic violence funds to understand whether they are mandated reporters who must report child abuse even if they know about it through confidential client communications. The training also explores what kind of information would have to be reported, and what would not, if someone is a mandated reporter.

Presenter: Family Violence Appellate Project Staff Attorney Anya Emerson, Esq.

Webinar Prevention Peer NetworkJune 20, 2019

Tune In & Watch Out: Recognizing & Reshaping Trauma in Media
Prevention Peer Network


Webinar was held on June 20, 2019


While trauma in media is not the leading cause of violence in society, it does contribute substantially by glorifying anger, jealousy, and victim mentality in relationships. Especially to youth, because only 1 in 4 adults talk with them about the messages they consume via song lyrics, movie scenarios, and reality TV. When youth have no knowledge about their rights and resilience, watching trauma can quickly lead to living drama. 

Webinar Prevention Peer NetworkSeptember 20, 2018

SafeBAE: Preventing Sexual Assault in Middle & High Schools
Prevention Peer Network


Webinar was held on January 24, 2019

Webinar Prevention Peer NetworkSeptember 20, 2018

Enhancing Prevention Programs Through Media Literacy
Prevention Peer Network


Webinar was held on December 20, 2018

Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using media. Many times, prevention programs use media examples to show examples of abuse in relationships or sexual violence, but young people can benefit from more critical media literacy.

Webinar Prevention Peer NetworkSeptember 20, 2018

Youth in the Lead: Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month 2019
Prevention Peer Network

Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month is right around the corner! 

In this webinar, we explain how we’re spotlighting the expertise of youth, collecting concrete peer organizing strategies they’ve used to address teen dating violence and promote healthy relationships. We’ll also dive deep into best practices that organizations have used to build connections with the broader community.


Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month 2019

Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month 2019

Continued from quote above: “I addressed abusive teen relationships to make the topic more approachable and demonstrated the seven aspects of a healthy relationship. Although nothing changed dramatically right away, the school wellness center soon implemented healthy relationships into their program.

Publication Jennifer Haddad Bell, Darryl Evey, Krista Niemczyk, Christine Smith, Debra WardSeptember 25, 2018

Promoting Health Advocacy in Domestic Violence Programs

This brief outlines the value and importance of health advocacy, as well as collaboration between the health and DV fields to promote survivor health. It shares lessons and best practices from recent California-based work through the Domestic Violence and Health Care Partnership (DVHCP) project and encourages continued change in practice, policy, and systems across sectors.

Publication Jeremy Cantor, Laura Hogan, Krista Niemczyk, Christine Smith, Lisa Fujie Parks, Erica VillaSeptember 25, 2018

Integrating Community Level IPV Prevention in Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plans

This brief shares recommendations that elevate consideration of IPV in ongoing planning, implementation, and evaluation processes within the health and public health sectors.

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True Colors United

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