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CBS Bay Area’s You Deserve to Be Safe Campaign
Take Action!

CBS Bay Area’s You Deserve to Be Safe Campaign

You’ve seen the staggering number of people, families, and communities domestic violence impacts. Now get ready to join over a thousand advocates, organizations and allies across the state and become part of the solution! There are many ways you can help prevent domestic violence and adolescent dating abuse in California:

  1. Tell your elected representative that you support domestic violence prevention: sign this petition for AB 1399, an important bill that would create a voluntary tax contribution benefiting domestic violence organizations. 
  2. Contact your local middle- and high-school school boards and encourage them to strengthen efforts to prevent teen dating violence. 
  3. Support domestic and sexual violence prevention by purchasing a specialized license plate for your car!
  4. Sign up for our mailing list to receive updates and action alerts about domestic violence and teen dating violence in California.
  5. Make a difference in your community – volunteer or donate to your local domestic violence program.

Questions? Contact us at