Prevention Peer Network Webinar: Leading with Prevention During Social Distancing
Leading with Prevention During Social Distancing
Thursday, March 26th | 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Free and Open to Everyone
Join us next week for a Prevention Peer Network Webinar addressing prevention during these turbulent times. Knowing that folks are figuring out how to balance their work and home life, we’ve decided to move the webinar to next Thursday, March 26th from 10:30 a.m.-12: 30 p.m.
Please join us where together, we will be addressing ways to Lead with Prevention During Social Distancing! We all know that Preventionists are like chameleons, adapting to the challenges they face. So join us as we tap into our collective creativity and support one another. Share and hear from others about ways in which to integrate prevention into intervention programs and adapt prevention programs to meet the needs of the communities we serve during these challenging times.
The webinar topics are announced in our monthly Prevention Newsletter and will be posted two weeks in advance. To subscribe to the newsletter, please contact Capacity-Building Program Specialist, Miranda Stiers,