Elizabeth Eastlund
Executive Director, Rainbow Services
Candidate Responses
Please summarize the reasons you are submitting this
I have been a part of the DV field for 15 years and I am
hopeful that the time is right to engage in a larger way to
make a difference. It is an exciting time in the
Partnerships’ history to work with a new executive director and
to be involved in exploring and ensuring equity in our
field. At Rainbow, we work to improve the lives of all
survivors through our policy advocacy endeavors. We are
committed to being good partners in our community and
throughout the field. I am very involved in working to
highlight the intersection of DV and homelessness/housing
instability. In addition to be the co-lead of the DV
Homeless Services Coalition, we are part of the HOME (Housing
Opportunities Mean Everything) Cohort, the LA Provider Alliance
to End Homelessness and we were one of the first organizations
to implement DVHF, including leading the first evaluation of
the program in 2017. I have successfully led efforts to
advocate for local funding for DV Housing First and other
strategies to address homelessness/housing instability among
survivors. Since 2016, I have been working with the
National DV & Homeless Technical Assistance Consortium to
improve coordination between the DV and homeless service
fields. I work regularly with the National Alliance on
Safe Housing to share best practices and learn from others
across the county. I was honored by the Partnership for
this work with the 2018 Partnership Award. As the field
begins to focus more and more on economic and housing
stability, I hope to be a part of those efforts in a larger
way. I want to be a part of creating an inclusive field
that centers the voices of survivors. Rainbow has led the
field in the implementation of trauma informed care.
Trauma informed care is all about equity and
collaboration. I am an advisor for Trauma Informed Los
Angeles whose mission is to foster resilient communities that
promote healing and well being through collaboration,
education, and community engagement.
Describe this nominee’s participation in the
Partnership’s regional networks, policy committees, peer
learning circles and other components of our Membership
I have been active in the local LA Region and regional policy
committee for a number of years. I regularly attend
the Partnership annual membership meetings and have presented
at the annual partnership conferences on trauma informed care
and the intersection of DV and homelessness. Our advocacy
efforts in Los Angeles have informed the field especially
around homelessness and housing instability. I am
committed to changing the narrative about DV and the
intersection of homelessness. Through our various
partnerships, I hope to highlight the fact that DV survivors
make up a large percentage of the population experiencing
homelessness. We have done incredible work over the past
few years to raise awareness about the intersection of DV and
homelessness. We work closely with the Partnership on the
HOME Cohort which works to highlight the intersection between
domestic violence and homelessness, helping to improve
continuums of care so that they more thoroughly respond to the
intersectional needs of survivors. We are working to
improve connections between DV and homeless service agencies,
in hopes that we can improve our systems to better support
survivors. Years ago, I was part of the StrongField
Project, including the Leadership Development Program where I
became more familiar with the Partnership. I was part of
the initial efforts to bring together a peer learning community
around the implementation of DV Housing First.
Tell us about the nominee’s professional skills in
finance, fundraising, government affairs, human resources
management, marketing and public relations
I have been the executive director at Rainbow for 5 years
overseeing the growth of our annual budget from $2.3M a
$4.2 M budget. I currently oversee a staff of 60 and have
have led our efforts to establish a trauma informed
culture at Rainbow, which included assessing our human
resources practices to ensure they align with the values of
trauma informed care. For most of my social work career I
have been part of executive management teams from the
Residential Services Director at Skid Row Housing Trust to the
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Coordinator at the CARE Clinics
and then as the Director of Programs at Rainbow prior to
becoming the executive director. While my passion lies in
policy advocacy, I have been successful with fundraising
through events and creating relationships with donors in the
community. I work closely with our government funders,
often leading advocacy efforts on the local level to advocate
for funding and policies that support survivors. To be honest,
I am fortunate to work with an amazing team of unicorns who
handle our marketing!
How does this nominee represent California’s rich
diversity? How might this person bring underrepresented voices
into the center of our work?
I am a descendant of the Chumash tribe of California.
Being of mixed race, I grew up between two worlds, often
feeling white among brown people and brown among white
people. I have spent my career working at the margins to
center the voices of un/underrepresented groups. I
am committed to focusing on the intersectionality of poverty,
race, and gender-based violence. I understand my
privilege as a white appearing woman in this field and I am
conscious about stepping back as often as possible to ensure
others have an opportunity to share their experiences.
On a scale from 1 to 10 (1=low, 10=high), how informed
are you about the Partnership’s mission and
Please summarize the Partnership’s priorities as you
understand them.
Currently, I believe the priority is to focus on equity,
centering the voices of people of color with a particular
emphasis on centering the voices of black women. I am
familiar with the Partnerships’ values and overall direction
that include beloved community, equity, cultural
responsiveness, partnership and bravery.
Intersectionality has also been a focus of the past few
years. I appreciate the ways in which the Partnership
provides information about policies and brings the field
together to ensure we are centering the voices of survivors,
especially survivors of color in our advocacy efforts. A
lot of effort is is put into strengthening the capacity of the
field while centering survivors voices, which helps provider
organizations effectively respond to the needs of the survivors
we serve.
Describe your leadership experience in business,
philanthropy, legal, government and nonprofit
I have been a part of leadership teams throughout my social
work career. I was fortunate to be a part of the Strong
Field Leadership Development Program that help to solidify my
commitment to working in this field. As and executive
director, I interface with business leaders and policy makers
on a regular basis and partner with other non-profits to
support survivors. Rainbow Co-leads the DV Homeless
Services Coalition along with Downtown Women’s Center,
which is focused on creating a client-centered system that
increases access to safe housing and supportive services for
survivors of domestic violence and their families. I am
the Previous Past Chair of the City of Los Angeles DV Alliance
and was instrumental in bridging the DV Alliance with our
County’s DV Council. I am part of the steering committee
for the LA Provider Alliance to End Homelessness, chairing the
DV Caucus. The Provider Alliance is an alliance of
nonprofit agencies united by a shared commitment to serve the
needs of all who experience homelessness and to break the cycle
of poverty. I previously participated in our local
continuum of care board. As part of the DV Shelter
Directors group of the LA County DV Council, I have led
advocacy efforts, most recently organizing 16 agencies to sign
onto a letter requesting the County identify funding to address
the 55% decrease in our Presley funds. I am actively involved
in the Coordinated Entry System in our area and participate in
weekly leadership call to coordinate responses to local issues
with people experiencing homelessness. Since the
beginning of the pandemic I have been involved in local
leadership efforts to ensure a coordinated response for
survivors. The leadership efforts included a weekly call
with the DV Council, LA County Attorney’s Office, City
Attorney’s Office, LAPD, LAHSA, the City’s Housing Department,
DCFS, legal service providers and representatives from the
LGBTQ Community. I regularly present at the annual
deputies breakfast for the County Board of Supervisors, and
have done press conferences with the Mayor of LA. In
addition to receiving the 2018 Partnership award, I recently
received the Betty Fischer Award presented by the LA County DV
Council, and the Woman of the Year President’s Award presented
by the LA County Commission for Women for my leadership in our
field and in LA County.
Board members help to foster a positive image of the
Partnership. Describe relationships you have with business
leaders, policy-makers, media outlets, philanthropists and the
broader community. Tell us how you intend to cultivate those
relationships on behalf of the Partnership.
I have a close relationship with local and state policy makers
– mainly their staff - to ensure they know who we are and
to be able to quickly obtain a meeting to discuss any policy or
funding issues that affect the lives of survivors. I have
written articles for the CA Health Reporter and have been
interviewed by a number of media outlets, including NPR.
I hope to contribute to the Partnership by utilizing my
contacts as appropriate. I have experience doing press
conferences and speaking on panels about the needs of
Like other nonprofits, Partnership Board members are
expected to raise funds on behalf of the organization. What
will you do to help us meet our annual fundraising
I need more information about the annual fundraising
goal. At a minimum I plan to contribute to the
Partnership beyond what I typically donate. I hope to be
able to utilize my social media contacts to bring awareness
about the Partnership to a larger audience of people. I
will need to learn more about balancing the “ask” for my
individual organization with the ask for the Partnership.