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Funding Opportunities


Funding Opportunities


The Funding Resource Table includes federal and California state grant opportunities for organizations that provide shelter and/or housing related services to survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV), specifically domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking organizations as well as domestic violence and sexual assault Culturally Specific Organizations. The Funding Resource Table also includes funds allocated for municipalities, states, territories, and Tribal governments, who can award or distribute funds to organizations directly serving survivors of GBV.

To learn about the federal appropriations process, please click here.

To learn more about the state of California appropriations purpose and requirements, please click here.

To learn about federal grants (including grant making agencies, how to apply for funding and types of grants), please click here.

To learn more about the Partnership’s budget advocacy efforts, please click here.

Funding Opportunities to Support Safe Housing for Survivors

If you have any technical questions regarding the Funding Resource Table (e.g.,  broken links, etc.) please contact

The Funding Resource Table was supported with funding from Blue Shield of California Foundation, developed by Enfuse Action Collective in consultation with local, state of California and national advocates and experts. 


Last updated May 2024

The funding opportunities in the Funding Resource Table focus on adults and families, not children and youth experiencing sexual assault, human trafficking or dating violence. Nor do the funding opportunities in the Table exclusively fund organizations that provide shelter and/or housing services.


Understanding the Impacts of Domestic Violence on Survivors

The Depp v. Heard trial has been trauma activating for many survivors. At this moment when domestic violence is receiving a lot of sensationalized attention throughout the various forms of media, we affirm the need for attention on concrete solutions—those that support survivors, educate on the realities of domestic violence, and prevent it from occurring in the first place.