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Structural barriers – such as lack of access to affordable and safe housing, economic security, and legal protections – make it harder for survivors to find safety and healing. The Partnership works with our members and partners to break down those barriers, promote the physical, emotional, and economic well-being of survivors, address the root causes of domestic violence, and support healthy relationship education. We do this by developing survivor-centered legislation and learning opportunities and convening our statewide network to strengthen domestic violence services in California. 


Homelessness, housing insecurity, and domestic violence are fundamentally linked; neither can be solved without addressing the other. Domestic violence is a leading driver in homelessness for women, making housing a critical resource to ensure a survivor’s safety: Nationally, 57% of unhoused women reported domestic violence was an immediate cause of their homelessness. In California, 22% of unhoused individuals reported experiencing domestic violence, according to the state’s Homeless Data Integration System (HDIS) demographic data. Survivors and all Californians deserve safe, affordable and accessible housing that is free from violence. The Partnership envisions housing authorities and institutions that prioritize survivor needs and fully include domestic violence service providers and advocates in local housing and homelessness decision-making.  

In the service of this goal, we work in collaboration with a cohort of domestic violence organizations and a cross-sector workgroup to improve how our housing and homelessness systems respond to the needs of survivors. Additionally, the Partnership is urging California legislators to make up for declining federal Victims of Crime Act funds in the State Budget. Our goal is to preserve the domestic violence field’s vital emergency and long-term housing options for survivors. 


Domestic violence is a preventable public health crisis in California that harms millions. We envision a state where people have the resources they need to build safe, healthy, and supportive communities and where young people are supported to learn healthy relationship skills and recognize the signs of teen dating violence and domestic violence. To prevent violence before it can occur, the Partnership supports our members who work in their communities to shift oppressive social norms at the root of domestic violence—rigid gender roles, racism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, disablism, economic inequities, and more. We provide training and one-on-one assistance in the development of effective strategies like healthy relationship education among youth and adults, as well as supporting community-level changes that protect against violence and abuse. The Partnership has been instrumental in establishing funding for this work across the state.  

Economic Justice 

One study of women in abusive relationships revealed that financial abuse affected 99% of participants. This can include stealing money, credit, property, or identity from a partner. Access to financial stability and freedom can give those experiencing domestic violence the resources they need to escape a violent situation and even prevent violence from occurring in the first place. 

The Partnership recognizes economic insecurity as a root cause of domestic violence. We are working to strengthen California’s social safety net programs and increase access to and awareness of California’s Paid Family Leave Program, so that more families can be financially stable while caring for a seriously ill family member or bonding with a new child. This supports families through life’s most stressful moments, reducing the risk of abuse and supporting overall family well-being. We call on legislators to support policies that create financial relief, stability, and wellness for survivors and all Californians. 

Gun Violence 

The presence of firearms in dangerous or abusive situations can increase the likelihood of severe injury or fatality. In fact, a woman is five times more likely to be killed if the intimate partner causing her harm has access to a firearm. Firearms pose a high risk of lethality for people experiencing domestic violence and their communities: one study found that nearly one third of mass shooters had a history of domestic violence. California is a leader in keeping families safe from gun violence in abusive situations. To strengthen our state’s leadership, courts and law enforcement must act more quickly to remove firearms when domestic violence occurs. 

It is imperative that all Californians, especially those experiencing domestic violence, have access to both legal and non-legal measures that can keep them safe. This includes community-based intervention programs, the range of legal remedies currently available, and the protections provided under both civil and criminal laws designed to reduce the likelihood that someone who has become prohibited from having firearms will be able to keep or obtain them. Alongside our members and partners, the Partnership created, a toolkit designed to support survivors in their safety and healing, prevent gun violence and provide vital resources to domestic violence service providers. 

Building Strong Capacity to Meet the Needs of Survivors 

The Partnership is committed to strengthening the capacity of advocates, service providers, and allied groups to effectively support survivors of domestic violence. Through comprehensive training and tailored technical assistance, we equip organizations with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to deliver trauma-informed, survivor-centered services.  

Our Training content covers a wide range of critical topics, including safety planning, advocacy strategies, shelter and transitional housing access, confidentiality, economic empowerment, and peer learning support. Training is delivered via workshops, on-demand resources, and through collaborative learning spaces to help us meet the evolving needs of the field. Our training provides individualized support to programs, helping them to be able to navigate complex challenges, implement best-practice, and enhance their organizational capacity.