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The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence Supports Prop 1.
Learn why this ballot measure is vital to survivors' bodily autonomy.


Against a green background, "PROTECT ABORTION RIGHTS" is shown in white inside of a magenta rectangle. Underneath is large "YES ON 1" text in white, with "ON" inside of a magenta circle.

The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence says yes on Prop 1 because we support survivors’ fundamental human right to make their own reproductive decisions. As a tactic of domestic violence, people who harm already seek to erase survivors’ bodily autonomy—and no one should be able to take that away. The state must actively resist any policy that would enable this abuse. Prop 1 would support bodily autonomy by codifying the right to reproductive care, abortion, and contraceptives in California’s constitution.

Why Do We Need Prop 1?

Reproductive freedom is under attack across the country, and more than 75% of voters in California think Roe v. Wade shouldn’t have been overturned. The right to abortion is currently protected in our state—but only by case law, which can be challenged. To guarantee that California doesn’t go backward, we must protect abortion, reproductive care, and contraceptives in our state’s constitution with Prop 1. Make your voice heard in November’s election!

What Does Prop 1 Do?

  • Amends the California’s Constitution to explicitly prohibit the state from denying or interfering with personal choices related to reproductive care.
  • Declares that individuals have a fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and to use or refuse contraceptives.

What Does this Mean for Survivors?

  • Allows survivors and all people to make their own reproductive medical decisions with their healthcare providers.
  • Supports survivors’ autonomy to decide if and when to have children, so they can be in charge of their own safety, plan their lives and achieve their dreams.
  • Very often, survivors experience the violence of sexual assault, forced pregnancy, and incest. Prop 1 would guarantee the right to receive reproductive medical care of their choosing as one step toward healing.

Learn more about Prop. 1, and don’t forget to register to vote!