Clone of Information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prevention
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is serious respiratory disease that continues to impact communities worldwide, and has officially been named a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Below, we’ve included a number of resources that can slow the rate of transmission, and support our Members as they serve survivors and advance prevention in their communities. Most importantly, programs should monitor and follow the guidance of your individual public health departments and their local emergency management systems, as those rules will likely get more specific and evolve quickly.
Questions? Please contact Michell Franklin, Capacity Building Program Manager, at
Information from the Capitol and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
➜ Executive Orders from Governor Newsom, kept updated by the State of California: Read the latest recommendations and mandates.
➜ March 15 - Centers for Disease Control: Interim Guidance on Mass Gatherings or Large Community Events
The Latest Partnership Statement
➜ March 13: The Partnership’s Statement to Our Members: Responding to COVID-19 and Supporting Our Beloved Community
Upcoming Calls, Webinars and Recordings
➜ March 24, 7-8 a.m. PST: COVID-19 and the National Organization for Victim Assistance Crisis Response Team Training™ Model: Dr. Suzanne Anderson of Restorative Community Counseling will review foundational elements of crisis intervention and explore ways to understand and process the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of NOVA’s Crisis Response Program.
➜ March 25, 8-9 A.M. PST: Considerations for IPV Survivors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The National Organization for Victim Assistance and Tonia Moultry of the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) will co-facilitate a brown bag discussion on questions, considerations and best practices to support victim assistance professionals.
➜ March 26 - 10:30 a.m.-12: 30 p.m.: NEW Prevention Peer Network Webinar: Leading with Prevention During Social Distancing: We all know that Preventionists are like chameleons, adapting to the challenges they face. So join us as we tap into our collective creativity and support one another. Share and hear from others about ways in which to integrate prevention into intervention programs and adapt prevention programs to meet the needs of the communities we serve during these challenging times.
➜ April 1 - noon-1 p.m.: Confidentiality & Mandated Reporting and COVID-19 – Partnership Members Only: We’ve heard your confidentiality questions related to COVID-19—so, to adapt to the field’s immediate needs, we are adapting April’s topic. On Wednesday, April 1st from noon-1 p.m., Caroyln Walker and Arati Vasan from FVAP will briefly review requirements under federal and state law in the wake of orders at the county, state and federal level, and then open it up to questions about what issues you may be experiencing working with survivors, public agencies and others.
Advocacy Efforts
➜ March 19: Letter from National sexual and domestic violence organizations to the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate: The Partnership supports the items included in this letter, which include a request for critical support for victim services to operate, serve, shelter and house survivors with increased, flexible resources.
Resources to Support Domestic Violence Organizations
➜ March 19: Legal Technical Assistance from the Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP): BWJP’s help line is active between 10 a.m and 2 p.m. CDT from Monday through Friday each week–and can be reached at 800-903-0111, prompt 1. Victims/survivors and professionals can reach them to connect with an advocate as usual, or send an email at
➜ March 19th Message from OVW Acting Director Rogers Regarding COVID-19: This guidance also includes a FAQ document on the payment and use of leave for grant-funded staff.
➜ March 16: California Courts Newsroom Press Release: California Chief Justice Issues Guidance to Expedite Court Emergency Orders
➜ Supplementing the 40-Hour Curriculum with the Partnership’s Distance Learning Tool: If COVID-19 has prevented your organization from moving forward with 40-Hour Curriculum Trainings, we offer our Distance Learning Tool as a way to engage staff and volunteers remotely. The tool can save you time and resources by supplementing the State’s requirements for Domestic Violence Counselors. Questions? Contact us at
➜ March 13: Preventing & Managing the Spread of COVID-19 Within Domestic Violence Programs, released by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence: The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) gathered select resources that can offer helpful guidance for domestic violence programs in preparing for and responding to the Coronavirus pandemic.
➜ Updated regularly: Updates and Information on COVID-19, sent by Futures Without Violence: This includes resources and information for survivors, communities, as well as domestic and sexual violence advocacy organizations and service providers.
➜ Resources from the National Network to End Domestic Violence:
- March 12: COVID-19: Coalition Guidance for Programs
- March 12: Using Technology to Communicate with Survivors During a Public Health Crisis
- March 12: How to Operate as a Remote Workplace During a Public Health Crisis
➜ Information on joining a Community of Practice for Intimate partner violence service professionals, offered by House of Ruth in Maryland: The House of Ruth Maryland Team, is offering a free technology resource that can help us pool our best ideas and share resources quickly across the nation and, eventually, around the world.
➜ March 12: Update to Family Violence Prevention and Services Program (FVPSA) Grantees: This includes information on funding for states to address COVID-19, guidance to prepare homeless shelters, and more.
➜ Northeast Georgia Council on Domestic Violence Services: Building Emergency Action, Preparedness and Pandemic Plan: See example protocols for maintaining shelter during a pandemic.
Employment Resources
➜ State of California: Relief Options from the Employment Development Department: Explore a variety of support services to individuals affected by COVID-19, including Paid Family Leave, Disability Insurance, and Unemployment Insurance.
➜ March 10: Employment Resource from Legal Aid at Work - Coronavirus – Frequently Asked Questions, released March 10: Read common questions, including the following: “Due to coronavirus (also known as COVID-19), my employer has cut my hours, forced me to take unpaid leave, or ended my employment. What can I do?”
Access to Healthcare
➜ March 19: Update on Access to Health Care for Immigrants and Their Families: The National Immigration Law Center provides some reminders about access to health care for immigrants and their family members, including funding that Congress recently made available for Coronavirus testing.
Information for Nonprofits and Small Businesses:
➜ Updated Continuously: COVID-19 Resources for California’s Nonprofits: Read about COVID-19 related funding opportunities, employee and employer resources, and more.
➜ March 19: Paid Administrative Leave Policy Sample: Organizations can use this language and guidance to supplement their own policies, if COVID-19 makes it necessary for an office to close and/or require staff to take time away from work that they would normally not need to take.
➜ March 16: Small Business Association Press Release: SBA Offers Disaster Assistance to California Small Businesses Economically Impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). (This also includes information for nonprofits.)
Addressing Homelessness
➜ March 12: Attention: Homeless Assistance Providers - A Message from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) – March 12: Read guidance from the State of California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency on health preparedness for homeless assistance providers.
➜ March 10 Webinar Recording from HUD: Infectious Disease Preparedness for Homeless Assistance Providers and Their Partners
➜ United States Interagency Council on Homelessness Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources: These resources can be used by homelessness services systems in response to the Coronavirus–but may not be specific to DV organizations.
Mental Health and Well-Being
➜ American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty: Dorren Marshall, Ph.D. provides a some step for protecting our mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Articles and Blog Posts on Domestic Violence and Social Justice Issues During the COVID-19 Pandemic
➜ March 18: Time Magazine Article by Mélissa Godin: As Cities Around the World Go on Lockdown, Victims of Domestic Violence Look for a Way Out
➜ March 18: Blog Posts by Elena Ong, PHN, MS, Public Health Newswire: We need equity-oriented solutions to COVID-19, not stigma, discrimination and fear
➜ March 16: Blog Post by Vivian Chau and Dr. Lawrence Loh, the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health: Stigma, discrimination, health impacts and COVID-19
➜ March 12: Huffington Post Article by Melissa Jeltsen: Home Is Not A Safe Place For Everyone: As “social distancing” is urged to contain the Coronavirus outbreak, home is exactly where the danger lies for some.
➜ March 2: Domestic Violence Cases Surge During COVID-19 Epidemic: Rights activists say law enforcement officials need to be more responsive to reports of gender-based violence.