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Developing a new track for Building Change Together with an Equity Lens
Written by the Partnership's Miranda Stiers


I had the opportunity to visit with the prevention team with Center for Community Solutions, to share materials from the new track for Building Change Together Primary Prevention Core Competencies Training (BCT). We discussed the Community Engagement and Bystander Intervention sessions. Over the course of the visit, we were able to talk through challenges and successes when engaging youth who are incarcerated in bystander intervention strategies.

When I co-facilitated the Building Change Together Primary Prevention Core Competencies Training (BCT) in 2017, I found the same themes coming up across the three days from participants. While we discussed the social justice approach to violence prevention and dismantling oppression, there was a clear want for deeper conversations on engaging men and boys, youth leadership development, LGBT+ inclusive prevention and adaptable bystander intervention strategies.

With these conversations, and many others in mind, I worked with prevention educators who had the skills and expertise to develop an advanced track for returning participants in 2018. This training was held in April with a small, yet mighty group to pilot the new track. The co-creators were Ashley Spencer with California State University San Bernardino, Melissa Espinoza with Safe Alternatives to Violent Environments and Sarah Diamond with Center for Community Solutions.

Together we developed the new track with culturally responsive strategies in mind, as there is no one size fits all approach to prevention.

Below are just a few resources we identified for bystander intervention:

Stay tuned for next week’s installment as we share resources and strategies!

Is your organization looking to deepen the ways cultural responsiveness is practiced?