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NEW! Join a Community of Practice
Calling All Preventionists!


This summer, in collaboration with CALCASA, we will be launching our Communities of Practice (CoP) focused on strengthening prevention implementation and evaluation efforts across the state! A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do, and want to learn how to strengthen and improve their work collectively, by sharing ideas, developing a common understanding, reflecting on their own practice, and building collective knowledge in a safe and supportive peer-centered environment.
These SEVEN CoPs will be FREE and open to ALL staff engaged in prevention efforts addressing the specific topics, prevention program, or programmatic effort listed below:

Click on the link(s) above to indicate you are interested in learning more. We will have an initial meeting, discussing objectives and expectations before committing to regularly scheduled meetings.

These will be wonderful opportunities for folks to increase shared knowledge, develop solutions to challenges, and strengthen peer-to-peer networks with other preventionists! We look forward to having you participate!
* Specific prevention funding is NOT required to participate. These are open to ALL folks engaged in prevention.
For more information, please contact Alejandra Aguilar, Statewide Prevention Program Specialist, at

Communities of Practice image credit: