CalWORKs bill supporting survivors of domestic violence signed into law
AB 557 will prevent homelessness among Californians fleeing abusive relationships

October 12, 2017
Media Contact: Jessica Merrill, Communications Manager | (916) 444-7163, x118
CalWORKs bill supporting survivors of domestic violence signed into law
AB 557 will prevent homelessness among Californians fleeing abusive relationships
SACRAMENTO — Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 557 into law today alongside a number of bills benefiting women, children and families in California. Authored by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio (D – Baldwin Park), AB 557 provides additional CalWORKs protections for survivors impacted by poverty as a result of domestic violence, and includes immediate temporary housing assistance while a victim’s application is in-process, required good cause waivers for children’s immunization and school attendance, and information about local support services.
“When domestic violence shelters are full – which is an unfortunate reality in many communities because public resources haven’t kept up with the need – victims trying to escape abuse must often face an untenable choice between staying with the person harming them versus sleeping on the streets, in their car, on in other unsafe situations,” said California Partnership to End Domestic Violence Executive Director, Kathy Moore. “With enhanced support from CalWORKs, victims across the state will have better access to immediate housing options and domestic violence resources in their time of crisis. By passing AB 557, California’s policy leaders showed their commitment to victim safety and helping to grow loving families who thrive in healthy communities throughout the state.”
Research has found that economic concerns are the most frequently cited reason that victims return to abusive relationships. AB 557 strengthens the support available to victims in crisis, making it easier to afford safe housing.
“My bill increases access to needed services and helps ensure that timely actions are taken to help survivors who need financial and housing assistance in order leave an abusive home,” said bill author Assmblymember Blanca Rubio. “Like many Californians, I have seen first-hand the impact domestic violence has on families and communities – I know we can and will do more for women, men and children who need help escaping their violent environment. I applaud Governor Brown for taking action today to help stop the cycle of abuse.”
Before signing AB 557 and other bills into law this morning, Governor Brown said, “The actions today will have a real difference on women, on children, on families.”
About the Partnership
The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (the Partnership) is California’s recognized domestic violence coalition, representing over 1,000 advocates, organizations and allied individuals across the state. Working at the local, state and national levels for nearly 40 years, the Partnership has a long track record of successfully passing over 200 pieces of legislation on behalf of domestic violence victims and their children. The Partnership believes that by sharing expertise, advocates and legislators can end domestic violence. Through our public policy, communications and capacity building programs, we create system-wide change that supports survivors and invests in prevention. Every day we inspire, inform and connect all those concerned with this issue, because together we’re stronger. With offices in Sacramento, the Partnership’s member programs span the entire state. For more information, visit
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