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Abigail (Abi) Resendiz-Zuniga, MSW, Member Elected At-Large Board Director
Community Advocacy & Accessibility Coordinator, Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice

Headshot of Abi

Abigail (Abi) Resendiz-Zuniga, MSW, is a passionate social worker dedicated to empowering marginalized communities. With a strong foundation in trauma-informed care and cultural competency, Abi has spent years advocating for the rights of underserved populations. Her extensive experience in program development and community engagement has equipped her with the skills to design and implement effective interventions that promote social justice and equality. Currently, Abi serves as the Accessibility and Community Care Coordinator the Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice where she supports a team of dedicated professionals working to provide vital services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, listening to music and spending time with her family in the A/C.