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Ruth Rivera
Coordinator of Wellness Programs, East Los Angeles Women's Center

Headshot of Ruth

Ruth Rivera is a graduate of Richmond, The American University in London, where she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and has also completed her Graduate studies in Globalization and Latin American Development from University College London. She is the Coordinator of Wellness Programs for East Los Angeles Women’s Center and coordinates the Crisis Intervention and Response Program at Los Angeles Medical Center; providing services to sexual assault, domestic violence and human trafficking survivors at the medical center. Alongside the day-to-day responses, she coordinates the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Task Force meetings at LA General; and facilitates trainings and support for medical providers, medical students, social workers and administrators. Recently, she became a co-chair for LA County’s Domestic Violence Council Health Committee, focusing on the intersection of domestic violence and health. Through her educational background and her work experience, Ruth is passionate and determined to create effective social change, empower women, and strengthen communities.