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Honoring Language & Culture as Fundamental Human Rights
Prevention Peer Network

Resource Prevention Peer Network WebinarAugust 24, 2022

This webinar was held on September 27, 2022


The way we use language is connected to our hometowns, cultures, and families; language isn’t just the way we communicate, but a direct reflection on the lens through which we view the world. Culturally responsive interpreting and translating must reflect the culture of the communities served.

Federal Law (Title VI) requires that any organization receiving federal funds provide language access to DV survivors, and their children/dependents. “No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance”. Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VI, 42 U.S.C. & 2000d.

Cal OES-funded DV Programs are required to implement meaningful language access policies and practices to ensure access to programs and services for LEP and Deaf and Hard of Hearing DV survivors and their children/dependents


  • To increase awareness of the socio-political & legal dimensions of language access.
  • To offer resources and tools to improve language access.
  • To convey the understanding of Language Justice as a process of organizing & advocating.


  • Mercedes Tune, Capacity Building Specialist
