Digital Advocacy: Texting with our Teens
Prevention Peer Network
Through our H.E.A.R.T. (Healthy Emotions and Attitudes in Relationships Today Program), we have developed a digital advocacy component to better be able to meet our teens, pre-teens and young adult where they our. After we have left the classroom we have designed a way for our teens to reach our for help, support, and resources. We set up our H.E.A.R.T. chat and text line, which allows teens to text or live chat with an advocate online so that they do not have to call our hotline for services. This presentation will cover the dynamics of the program and the impact it is having on our local youth.
Jennifer Ponce, CHES is Prevention & Education Manager with
Laura’s House, a nonprofit that offers shelter and services to
domestic violence survivors in Orange County, Calif. She is a
Certified Health Education Specialist and graduated from Utah
Valley University with a degree in Community Health with an
emphasis in Community Health Education. She will be completing
her Master of Social Work degree from Boston University in 2018.
For the last 10 years Jennifer has implemented community outreach
and education programs domestically and internationally. She is
passionate about social welfare and providing education and
resources to at-risk communities and victims of violence.
Jennifer has been featured on 102.7 KIIS-FM & AM 790 – KABC Talk
Radio, as well as in The Orange County Register, Orange County
Family Magazine, and Attorney Journal OC. Jennifer is a speaker
and guest lecturer at high schools, universities, and at national