Gaming Against Violence: Video Games as a Violence Prevention Tool
Prevention Peer Network
PPN Webinar: Gaming Against Violence: Video Games as a Violence Prevention Tool
This webinar was hosted on October 19th
Please see recording, resources, and related links in the right-hand column
Since 2008 nonprofit charity Jennifer Ann’s Group has been producing and publishing prosocial games to engage, educate, and empower young people. In this webinar, the founder and executive director, Drew Crecente (he/him) will discuss how video games can be utilized to teach consent, healthy relationships, and resilience. Join us to hear about this organization’s mission and work, and how you may use these strategies for your prevention work with youth.
Drew Crecente (he/him), Founder and Executive Director, Jennifer Ann’s Group
ASL interpreters will be present. Spoken language access is available upon request (please register by October 12th to ensure interpreter availability)
Recordings and resources will be available on the Partnership Resource Library on October 20th.
El acceso al idioma, incluidos los intérpretes de ASL, está disponible previa solicitud (regístrese antes del 12 de octubre para garantizar la disponibilidad de intérpretes)
Questions? Please contact Kimmie Remis (she/her),