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Resources and Materials
Learning and capacity building resources for advocates, preventionists, and activists

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Whether you’re a seasoned advocate, a student, or a community member interested in learning more about domestic violence, our user-friendly resource library is a great tool for you. We have compiled an extensive database of publications, images, websites, webinars and more — all dedicated to understanding the dynamics of abuse, prevention strategies and community solutions. 

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And if you would also like to search for additional materials compiled by our national partners, click on the boxes below (which will direct you to their searchable sites).

Website Futures Without Violence, Blue Shield of California FoundationJanuary 1, 2017

This website is a comprehensive online tool that showcases innovations, best practices and lessons of the Domestic Violence and Health Care Partnership (DVHCP) project, funded by Blue Shield of California Foundation, and and provides data, replicable models and site-developed resources.

Website Futures Without ViolenceJanuary 1, 2018

This website includes a step-by-step toolkit for community health centers aimed at establishing and expanding partnerships with domestic violence advocacy agencies.

Video February 25, 2018California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

The Path to Healthy Relationships Video

This video provides an overview of the journey the Partnership and two community-based organizations experienced in working to address adolescent dating abuse through school polices.

Image February 28, 2018California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

The Path to Healthy Relationships Poster

This poster provides a visualization of the journey the Partnership and two community-based domestic violence organizations experienced in their work to address healthy relationships and adolescent dating abuse through school policies. 

Publication February 28, 2018California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

Creating Healthy School Climates That Address Adolescent Dating Abuse

This publication provides school sites and school districts with information about how to create healthy school climates that address healthy relationships and the prevention of adolescent dating abuse.

Publication February 28, 2018California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

Policy Recommendations for Schools to Prevent Adolescent Dating Abuse

This publication provides schools and school districts with policy recommendations and sample policies to use in responding to and preventing adolescent dating abuse.

Website VINEJanuary 1, 2014

Victim Notification network

VINE is an online network portal to access victim notification for inmate release and updates. VINE provides victims and concerned citizens with information. VINELink can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide the most reliable information for custody status changes and criminal case information. The VINE service provides information by phone, email, TTY, and text message where available.

Publication Adam Dodge, Laura’s House & Erica Johnstone, Ridder, Costa & Johnstone LLPApril 4, 2018

Using Fake Video Technology To Perpetuate Intimate Partner Abuse

Domestic Violence Advisory

Publication Richard G. Soper, MD, JD, MS, FASAM, DABAM, Editor-in-ChiefOctober 6, 2014

Intimate Partner Violence and Co-Occurring Substance Abuse/Addiction

This article provides background information on addiction in the context of intimate partner violence, identifies the prevalence and health consequences, and provides insights on intervention.