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Resources and Materials
Learning and capacity building resources for advocates, preventionists, and activists

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Whether you’re a seasoned advocate, a student, or a community member interested in learning more about domestic violence, our user-friendly resource library is a great tool for you. We have compiled an extensive database of publications, images, websites, webinars and more — all dedicated to understanding the dynamics of abuse, prevention strategies and community solutions. 

See our search options below. Results of your search will appear at bottom of screen.

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And if you would also like to search for additional materials compiled by our national partners, click on the boxes below (which will direct you to their searchable sites).

Publication Richard G. Soper, MD, JD, MS, FASAM, DABAM, Editor-in-ChiefOctober 6, 2014

Intimate Partner Violence and Co-Occurring Substance Abuse/Addiction

This article provides background information on addiction in the context of intimate partner violence, identifies the prevalence and health consequences, and provides insights on intervention.


One Love Foundation: Educating and Activating Young People in the Movement to End Relationship Abuse
Prevention Peer Network

The One Love Foundation educates young people about healthy and unhealthy relationships, mobilizing them in a movement for change. One Love’s Bay Area Executive Director will take you through the background of the organization, provide an overview of their educational approach, including highlights from their film-based campaign #ThatsNotLove, and share how you can leverage their tools and resources in your communities.

Publication Family Violence Appellate Project California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

California Domestic Violence Law Compendium 2018

Every year, the Partnership and Family Violence Appellate Project (FVAP) provide an updated list, with descriptions, of the most relevant California laws affecting DV survivors and their families–including statutes, constitutional provisions, resolutions, and rules of court. The list is compiled into a document called a Compendium of DV Laws, and is published for free here on the Partnership’s website and FVAP’s website.  Please note the document is only informational and is not legal advice.

Technology, Intimate Partner Violence and Safety Planning

Presented by Corbin Streett, MSW – National Network to End Domestic Violence

In this 90-minute webinar, participants will learn how to help survivors of intimate partner violence and stalking access technology and online spaces more safely and privately. Participants will learn how technology and social media is often misused in the context of intimate partner violence, and how to incorporate this knowledge into safety planning with clients.

Please see below for the links shared during the webinar:


New Laws Handout – Bills Signed into Law – 2017

Every year, new laws are passed in California which may impact survivors and the programs that provide services to domestic violence victims. Unless otherwise specified, these new laws take effect on January 1, 2018. This fact sheet provides an overview of these laws by subject area.

Publication California Partnership to End Domestic ViolenceJanuary 23, 2018

Shifting the Narrative on Adolescent Dating Abuse

This guide provides recommendations for discussing adolescent dating abuse prevention, with a special focus on reaching education leaders.

Webinar Prevention Institute

Sectors Acting for Equity: Toward a Health Equity and Multi-sector Approach to Preventing DV
Prevention Peer Network

There is a growing understanding that addressing social determinants of health is critical for health, safety, and health equity, but few frameworks focus on domestic violence prevention through this lens. This webinar will explore the link between community determinants and DV, and demonstrate how the community environment represents an actionable place to promote safe relationships and the reduction of DV. It will showcase recent research conducted by Prevention Institute that supports advancing a health equity and multi-sector approach to DV prevention.

LGBTQ+ Identities and Intimate Partner Violence

Would you like to know more about the unique challenges LGBTQ+ individuals face when experiencing intimate partner violence? Have you thought about how your organization can become more inclusive? Sarah Sullivan from Catalyst Domestic Violence Services will share her expertise, helping participants:
• understand ways that intimate partner violence may look different in LGBTQ+ relationships,
• identify unique barriers for LGBTQ+ individuals when utilizing services & seeking support,
• and walk away with practical ways to provide a welcoming and inclusive space.


Building the Evidence for Domestic Violence Services and Interventions: Intermediate Health and Patient-Centered Outcomes

This report summarizes intermediate and outcome measures that domestic violence programs and services can utilize to evaluate effectiveness and demonstrate value.


Domestic Violence Health Care Partnerships Sustainability Primer

This tool was developed to support sustainability planning for domestic violence and health care partnerships. It provides guidance on how to develop a value proposition, design a funding approach, and actively seek funding sources.

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True Colors United

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