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Partnership Events
Quarterly Newsletter


Newsletter Table of Contents:

Paint the Town Purple Recap

In October, we held our first annual Paint the Town Purple event – and it was a boisterous, paint-spattered success! Julia Leigh Roberts of led the packed house of 75 painters through creating their very own masterpieces, themed around the “Purple Purse,” a symbol of domestic violence awareness and part of the Allstate Foundation’s annual Purple Purse campaign. was on hand giving out samples of alcoholic kombucha, and Partnership staff and volunteers provided other sips and snacks.

We’re so grateful to everyone who made this event a success – our silent auction donors, Boochcraft, Van Go Girl, our volunteers, and of course, everyone who came out to paint & sip for a cause. Hope to see you next time!

Upcoming Events

February 12th: Three Orange Day Events for Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

Orange Day Rally | 10-10:45 p.m. – North Steps | RSVP
A great opportunity for all adults to publicly show solidarity with young people! You’ll hear about innovative, youth-led strategies to promote healthy relationships and challenge the social norms that cause violence.

Educational Briefing | 11-noon – Room TBD| RSVP
Following the rally will be an educational briefing at the Capitol — the Promise and Impact of Sexual & Domestic Violence Prevention in California. Panelists will share the strategies that have been most effective for preventing violence in their communities, and describe what they could accomplish with greater investments in this kind of work.

Lunch at Capitol Garage | Noon-2:30 | 1500 K St. in Sacramento | RSVP
Join Partnership staff & supporters for lunch and meet/mingle at the Capitol Garage. Mention the Partnership when ordering, and 20% of your tab will benefit the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence!

Coming Up: Policy Advocacy Day & Denim Day: April 23th-24th 

This is a big day for the movement! Show up in denim. Together with the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA), we’ll affirm our support for survivors of sexual violence—and ask legislators to fund a future that prevents sexual and domestic violence in communities across the state. Registration coming soon!

Note: On Policy Advocacy Day, CALCASA and Partnership Members will have the opportunity to meet directly with legislators. If your membership is lapsing, or if you’re considering joining our coalitions, now is the time!