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The Possibilities for Prevention When Youth Are in the Lead
The Partnership's Quarterly Newsletter


Newsletter Table of Contents:

The majority of survivors first experienced abuse during their teenage years — but there is hope for healing. Research shows that young minds are naturally resilient with the right kind of adult support, so we face two key imperatives: addressing trauma and working to prevent violence in formative years. This takes deep culture change work toward more equitable communities and healthier relationships, led by youth themselves and supported by adults. We’ve been proud to see domestic violence programs intentionally centering youth, countering adultism and focusing on equity. Adult advocates provide resources for their ideas, opportunities for learning, support them in difficult situations, and back their work in schools. Lydia, a House of Ruth Youth Advisory Committee Member, talks about how she was able to take the lead:

“I worked on building upon the curriculum for Communication in Healthy Relationships. Initially, I felt anxious for being responsible for something that would be officially implemented. But after I began my research about the material, I realized that I had many of my own ideas that I wanted to incorporate. I came up with an idea to have a group activity where students would work together to respond to texting scenarios symbolic of healthy relationships and unhealthy relationships. Following this experience, I learned that I wanted to not only learn more about all aspects of domestic violence, but eventually be able to implement teaching the material in my own communities.”

Lydia and other youth throughout the state are bringing new strength to California’s movement to end domestic violence. By making their messages relevant to their fellow students, they carry authenticity. They also build organizing power for issues that matter to them, improve school climate, and enhance networks of support for youth struggling in abusive relationships. This is one form of domestic violence prevention that young people are in the best position to lead.

For Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, we’re gearing up for a Capitol rally where youth voices will take the mic, replacing our usual lineup of adult advocates. During Orange Day on February 12th, we’ll hear directly from young people about how they’re promoting heathy relationships and challenging the social norms that encourage violence. As a network-weaver, we’re asking adult allies — and legislators in particular — to listen to these ideas and pledge their support. We need you there to help us make a strong showing! Stay after the rally for an educational briefing on the Promise and Impact of Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention in California, and lunch at Capitol Garage. 20% of your tab will support the Partnership’s work when you mention us.

Thanks to your support last year, the Partnership and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault secured a historic $5 million for community-based prevention strategies like you heard from Lydia above. This will have a real impact, allowing domestic violence organizations to expand their efforts to additional schools.

Simply put, prevention works to stem violence in the first place, and in the process, lessen trauma for survivors. With every new opportunity to prevent sexual and domestic violence, California is getting closer to realizing its potential as a healthier, more interconnected state. That’s why we’re proud to announce that we’re coming back with another state budget request alongside CALCASA this year. Get ready to support the proposal that will make smart investments in the lives of youth and adults. Stay tuned for our petition, organizational sign-on letter, and Denim Day + Policy Advocacy Day events on April 23rd and 24th. In the meantime, make sure you’re following us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!